Sunday, October 19, 2008

last day in the DR

Leaving the DR in a few hours. Interesting country. Unfortunately, it shares many of the problems of other developing nations in latin america, specifically a wide gulf between the rich and the poor. Its particularly evident at this resort as there are plenty of Mercedes, BMWs, and Porches and then hundreds of people serving the them. These people are often Haitians that come across the border looking for work. These are the lowest class and do such jobs as raking the beach each morning. I try to speak to them in French but their French is almost unintelligible to me. I always wonder what these poor people think when they see the obscenely rich... I can't imagine its anything other than jealousy, bitterness, and hate. We need to spread the wealth.
On another note, I have eaten my way across this country. I have made it a point to eat lots of roadside food and still haven't gotten sick. The fruits are particularly outstanding, a highlight being limoncillos. I have no idea what it is but its delicious!

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