Saturday, October 11, 2008

cave hikes

Here are some pics from the last two days. Yesterday we went to a place called Oyo Claro which is full of sink holes that are full of fresh water. The land here is all karst and lots of water flows through it. We saw some cool stuff.
Today we went to Parque Nacional Del Este. I rented a car and drove there with some of the students. Cool area will a giant cave. Finally saw a toady, the broad billed. The pic isn't much as its backlit, but you can see its a toady.
BTW, the whip scorpion from the last post is as big as your outstretched hand!

Hispaniolan mockingbird (endemic):

Another species of Parrot snake:

Snail (shell) for Lisa:

Some kind of cool skink:

Here is the broad-billed toady:

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