Friday, August 15, 2008

tooth torture

So 6 months or so ago I had a root canal. I had had a cavity in the tooth before and dentist said it was deep and that eventually I would have to have a root canal. So when it started to hurt, I went in and he did the root canal. Basically they drill out the tooth and then fill in the roots, in this case two. One root filled in fine, but not the other. The tooth continued to hurt and I went back a couple of times for him to work on it. By hurting, I mean that I could feel my pulse through my tooth... not a good thing. So anyway, the dentist sent me to the endodontist for something more drastic. More drastic would be a root canal from the top!  So on wednesday the fun began. This new dentist cut a window in my gums, drilled and chiseled through the bone, and then filled in the root canals. There was lots of strange sounds, smells, and even sights. How do I mean sights? Well, the dentist used a dissecting scope and I could see the reflection of my mouth in the lens. I never really wanted to see someone cut a hole in my gums, see the bone and tooth and then have it all sewed up with 5 or stitches. It wasn't fun but hopefully this saga is over!
Here is a pic of my mouth as it is now. You can see the stitches through my gums. Tomorrow I go to get them removed. Interestingly, my mouth has not hurt since the surgery... not that I am complaining!

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