Tuesday, September 3, 2013


One the highlights of this area is the amphibian diversity. We actually have a little pond right in front of our cabin where we can go 'frogging'. This is one of the kids favorite past times! We are currently in the dry season so there aren't too many frogs around, be we still have found quite a few. Here are some pics.

This is probably the most common frog around right now, a cane or marine toad. They are currently breeding so we hear them calling every night. This male was calling in our hands!

The kids love to catch the toads. They are easy to catch and are quite cool!

Amalia and her toad.

Camilo wasn't quite as confident to hold one but did so anyway. Very concentrated!

This is a glass frog we caught right in front of the house. This area is a center of diversity for glass frogs so we should be able to find more species of them. Cool little guys!

This is a leaf-litter frog. There are quite a few around. They are small so can be hard to catch.

Here is some kind of tree frog, very cool.

A toad in a pond.

Another leaf-litter frog.

Since the toads are breeding we collected a bunch of eggs. Amalia counted out 39 exactly! They have hatched into tadpoles and we are following their development. Here they are about a week old. We will have to let some go as they develop but hope to have some all the way through metamorphosis.

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