Thursday, July 2, 2009

Ecuador/Galapagos etc.

Haven't posted for a while, been negligent. I will try to be better about this. Since the last post, lots of things have happened. I was granted tenure by Virginia Tech! I also spent the better part of a month in Ecuador/Galapagos with my study abroad class. I have since returned and am helping care for Camilo as best as I can. So far he seems to be easier to take care of than Amalia was, however it might just be that we have a bit more experience. Either way, its not easy as we wake up multiple times per night and change lots of diapers, etc. But its all good. Amalia is very happy and lots of fun to play with. She loves to run and may even end up being fast, we'll see. Lisa just heard she got a grant funded by the NSF! Thats a huge relief and means she can concentrate on doing research, not just proposing it, for the next few years.

Here are some random pics from Ecuador, things that I thought were interesting.

Here are pics from the Amazon basin.
Giant cicada:
Cool tree frog:
White-lined monkey frog (Phyllomedusa vaillanti)
Ornate snail eating snake (Dipsas catesbyi)
Cool frog:
Ruby poison frog (Epidedobates parvulus)
Mating cicadas
Giant caterpillar (~8cm long)
Big green walking stick

Sculpture of Darwin on the island of San Cristobal where he first landed on the Galapagos. It is worth noting that 2009 is his 200 birthday and the 150th anniversary of the publication of "On the Origin of Species".
Galapagos hawk harassing nesting pelicans
Land iguanas

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