Sunday, September 7, 2008

Amalia gets in touch with her roots

Below are some recent pics of Amalia getting in touch with her roots. How so? Well, first are the pics of her next to the cactus flower. The cactus is a night blooming cirrus that my grandfather, her great-grandfather, grew from seed. For some reason he loved growing these cactus and we have a few. They only bloom once/year for one night. Amalia seemed to like them. 
The other occasion are of us using an apple cider press that belonged to Lisa's great grandfather, Amalia's great-great grandfather. This cider press left the family but made it back. Turns out a local organizer of a community garden saw it on our porch and asked if he could use it. They were having a picnic at the garden and wanted to press some cider but his press was broken. So he cam and got Lisa's and cleaned it up. He taught me how it works so I plan to use it in the future. Its pretty simple and pretty neat. The cider was really good and Amalia loved it!

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